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Permanent hair removal – yes or no?

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Laser Hair Removal - The option for getting rid of unwanted body hair permanently

By now, smooth and delicate skin is not only an issue for women, men also appreciate the aesthetic look. Muscles on the shoulders, chest and the beloved six-pack are much more effective like this. Since constant shaving and waxing take away a lot of time and money, the modern laser method for permanent hair removal is becoming increasingly popular.

But are laser rays harmful to the skin?

No! The treatment has no harmful effects on the body. The skin can be a little stressed, but it can be after sunbathing as well. Laser hair removal is one of the most skin-friendly hair removal methods available. A shave can be done quickly at home, but the skin is strongly irritated by the constant repetition. The painful epilation and waxing promise a slightly longer-term result. This quickly causes inflammation, ingrown hairs and pimples.

Most often men have their chest and back hair removed. But lasering armpit hair also has advantages. Because in men who do a lot of sport and sweat more intensely, odor-causing bacteria can form in the armpit hair, which in the worst case can lead to a fungal attack.

Anyone who thinks that hair also protects against UV radiation is wrong. The protection is so low that it is always necessary to protect your skin with a sufficient sun protection factor.

The hair with the most important functions is our scalp hair, eyelashes and eyebrows and these are unlikely to go out of style anytime soon.

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